LEE Hyoung-sik, « Japanese Ruling Elites of Colonial Korea and their Postwar Compilation on the History of Governing: The Case of Yūhō Kyōkai (Friendly Nation Association) », 22 octobre 2018

LEE Hyoung-sik, « Japanese Ruling Elites of Colonial Korea and their Postwar Compilation on the History of Governing: The Case of Yūhō Kyōkai (Friendly Nation Association) », 22 octobre 2018

Le Séminaire de l’EFEO Paris a lieu lundi 22 octobre 2018 de 10h30 à 12h

LEE Hyoung-sik 
(Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University)

intervient sur le thème

« Japanese Ruling Elites of Colonial Korea and their Postwar Compilation on the History of Governing: The Case of Yūhō Kyōkai (Friendly Nation Association) » 

à  la Maison de l’Asie, 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris (grand salon, 1er étage). 

« With this overall shift away from prewar militarism towards a “cultural” and “pacifist” Japan, the former officials of the Government General of Korea began to challenge the “collective memory” of oppression and exploitation constructed by the “colonized.” Instead, they disseminated their own memory of development and progress brought to Korea during colonial rule. With the support of Japan’s economic circles Yūhō Kyōkai (Friendly Nation Association) established the Historical Archives on the Colonial Era to “historicize” the collective memories of “colonizers”. »

Invitation (PDF)

Academy of Korean studies Inalco Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 EHESS