2017 Fall, AKS Graduate Fellowship, May 8th ~ 5:00PM May 29th, 2017

2017 Fall, AKS Graduate Fellowship, May 8th ~ 5:00PM May 29th, 2017

2017 Fall, AKS Graduate Fellowship

1. Fellowship Benefits

A. Monthly allowance of KRW900,000 is provided.

B. An economy-class round trip airfare at actual expense is provided within the limit prescribed by the GSKS Travel Expenses Policy (Please see the Attachment 1 « Maximum Round-trip Airfares Per Regions »).

C. Fellowship Period : September 1st, 2017 to February 28th, 2018 (6 months in total,extension not allowed)

D. Access to the AKS facilities including the library and Jangseogak Archives is given.

E. On-campus dormitory and guest house is available at the following cost;

  • Dormitory cost : approximately KRW800,000 for 6 months, double occupancy.
  • Guest house cost : approximately KRW600,000 for 1 month (KRW20,000 per day), sole occupancy.

F. Korean language courses are offered free of charge. G. A Certificate of Completion can be issued for those who successfully completed the program.

2. Number of Fellows Sought : ○

3. Recruitment Schedule

A. Application Period : May 8th ~ 5:00PM May 29th, 2017

B. Selection Result Announcement (AKS website (intl.aks.ac.kr/english) – Notice) : 6:00PM June 26th, 2017

4. Eligibility

Nationality : The applicant, either a foreign national or a Korean national who obtained permanent residency in a foreign country or who resides overseas and has completed education outside of Korea which is compatible with Korea‘s elementary, middle, high school and college education.

Educational Background : As of the application deadline, applicants must meet one of the following conditions :

Applicants are enrolled in a master’s or a doctoral degree program at an overseas university.

Applicants completed coursework and are in the status of ABD (All But Dissertation) in a master’s or a doctoral degree program at an overseas university.

Applicants were conferred a master’s degree at an overseas university.

Residence : As of the application deadline, applicants must reside in a foreign country outside of Korea

Research Topic : An applicant’s research topic should pertain to Korea/Korean studies.

Applications from previous AKS Graduate Fellows are not accepted.

Higher Korean language ability preferred.

Studies and Research


Submission deadline

AKS Graduate Fellowship

-Research grant (KRW 900,000 per month), Round trip Airfare

-Periode : 6 months (2017.9.1-2018.2.28)

-Free korean language course

2017.05.29. 17:00

Pour plus d’information consultez : http://intl.aks.ac.kr/english/ viewtopic.php?t=505

Notice AKS Graduate Fellowship for Fall 2017

Renseignement : sujinyeo@aks.ac.kr

Admissions Guide for 2017 Fall AKS Graduate Fellowship

2017년도 2학기 차세대 한국학자 초청 연구지원

Academy of Korean studies Inalco Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 EHESS